Just a place to do what the title suggests: vent where no one's looking! I will be writing random stuff on here, and I won't usually sound very angry. Just intrigued. I think.
Let the venting begin!

Monday, January 23, 2012

happy? ness?

Sorry I haven't been posting for a while... Math Midterms and the four project were making me depressed. Oh well, that's over, so I'll try to return to regular programming. :)

So, I feel like being whiny today.
Let's see...hmm.... what annoying things happened to me today?

Oh, of course! My mom yelled at me again! Something about sleeping in...
It kind of dampened down mood, though, I can tell you, what with the fact that it's Chinese New Year and all, you know?
Oh, crap. I have to pack my violin for TYS! Gotta go!

four hours later.....

So, sorry about that, I had to go play in the TY Symphony...
Anyway! so guess what! my mom just found out I'm skipping lunch! for the geo+alg2 parties!
and for those who know me, you can guess that she flipped out, cause we're only bringing fortune cookies cause she didn't want to bring spring rolls (they really are pretty expensive, you know), and is suddenly frantically coming up with crazy solutions, like cooking cauliflower for the class. Now, don't get me wrong, I love her cauliflower, and I'm sure everyone else would too, that is, if they could get past the way it looks....
Anyway, I get satisfaction from seeing her freak out like that, because it doesn't happen too often; it's only when she finds something out at the last minute.


Wow,this is a long post. at least for me.


Oh, yeah! I'm reobsessed with httyd; now through pictures and fan fics! you'd be shocked at how many httyd fanfic pages I have bookmarked. :)

This wasn't a very depressing post. I guess that's because I've been in an unusally good mood this weekend. I'm sure why, and It actually started to creep me out yesterday.
To anyone who reads this and happens to be a therapist or a psycologist, is there, like, a mental disease with these kind of symptoms?

"A cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin." -H. L. Mencken

Cami Cazi over and out

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