Just a place to do what the title suggests: vent where no one's looking! I will be writing random stuff on here, and I won't usually sound very angry. Just intrigued. I think.
Let the venting begin!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

I can't think of a good title right now, so.....turkeys!

Ahhhh, Thanksgiving! A time for.....wait, what are we supposed to do on thanksgiving again? give each other presents? no, that's Christmas... watch fireworks? no, that's during the summer....give each other cards? no.....that's valentine's day.....ah! I know!Give thanks to the world! of course! (I knew that all along).Anyway, I'm thankful for: How to Train Your Dragon(of course), my friends, my teachers, my parents, the library, hmmm......what else....oh, Harry Potter/J.K Rowling, the Internet, water, the planet Earth....ummm....chinchillas(cough cough), chemical reactions, and time. That's about it. What are you thankful for today, children?Comment belo--

Waaaaaiiiiiiiit a minute....that sounds waaaay too happy and enthusiastic. the guy up there sounds pretty dumb too: "what are we supposed to do on thanksgiving again?" so here's the real me. The other guy typing up there was just a stand-in, and somehow he's made it so I can't delete waht he's typed. Anyway...

Yes I am actually thankful(gasp) for all of the things listed above (double gasp). I have lots of homework i should be doing right now.We had turkey for lunch. It was good.....ummmmm.....k bye.

Oh yeah, and I'm not kidding about the commenting. What are you thankful for?

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