Just a place to do what the title suggests: vent where no one's looking! I will be writing random stuff on here, and I won't usually sound very angry. Just intrigued. I think.
Let the venting begin!

Monday, April 23, 2012

I have nothing to say today.

Seriously. Na-hing. Zero. Zilch. Na-da. Goose Eggs. Though how goose eggs relate to the word nothing I question...
so I 'm basically going to fill this page with random stuff.

I got my braces off. (insert Ron's voice from Potter puppet pals here) Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Not really.
My gums feel like I took some chewing gum and stuck it between my real gums and my lips.
On's the bright side (Waitaminute i'm supposed to be pessimistic. How did I find a bright side?)
*cough* Anyway, on the bright side, at least my lips can stay closed naturally now.
Here comes the retainer era! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay! Not.

My friend Sicheng recently got braces. Apparently they hurt. and she HATES them.
See? That's is how much she hates them. They deserve capitalization and italics.
and bold face. and underlining. and...oh wait, that's it.

Ok I'm done.

aoooowwwwwwgh gh gh gh ggh

Sorry about that. It's my frustrated sound effect for the week.

I think I need to ask the Egyptian god Thoth to make five extra days like he did with Nut (go look it up; I ain't explainin'.), because I. NEED. MORE. TIME. Seriously though, I do.

I had a grand total of five hours of sleep last night, including the time I spent TRYING to fall asleep.
Honestly, I don't even know how I made through the day while not losing consciousness. I have homework I don't understand, and Enloe orchestra audition tomorrow which I hadn't time to practice today, and a project due.
I am worried about my homework, partially because I'm asian and it's an I have obligation to finish these things, and partially because I actually DO need to understand this stuff for the test.
I am utterly terrified of failing the audition, partially because of the actual auditioning bit and partially because I 'm afraid of my reaction afterward if I fail (you should have seen me after the All-state audition; I was a wreck for a week.).
I am stressed about my project because not only does my grade hang in the balance, but so does my partner's, whom which will be holding me accountable for doing my share of the work. Not to mention the coals I'll be raked over if my parents knew I had any intention of turning it in a day late.

So, that's all I'm worried about at the current time. I'm sure more will come to me later, after I'm out of this stress cloud.

"Deep down, I'm pretty superficial." ~Ava Gardener

The disturbed Night Fury will be returned to it's mental ward at this time. Thank you for your cooperation.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hunger games (yeah that's right, I'm following that trend)

So I watched the movie (if you're hoping for spoilers, go away right now cause they ain't gonna show up)
It was good, but the first muttation made me spray popcorn on my shirt.
Oh yes, and the injured/burned flesh recreations were good.
Disgusting and disturbing, but very realistic.
and the depiction of the inhabitants of the Capitol:
Wicked :D

Apparently loads of people are complaining about how Rue is black.

You fricking cried over her in the book and now you're complaining the movie didn't do the thing properly?! Seriously?

I get that Katniss kept comparing her to Prim, but that doesn't mean they have to look alike.
They were both young, vulnerable (Prim more that Rue), named after plants(hehe), and they were both pure of heart. I don't think that has much to do with ethnicity, now does it? That's what hurt Katniss so much after Rue was injured (cough cough), becuase she felt like she had failed her sister.

I actually imagined that Rue would be African American when I was reading it
BEFORE anyone was casted for the movie.
Just to give you some perspective, Amandla Stenberg haters.

Oh yes, to anyone who has seen this blog more than once, I am now a distubed Night fury.
That right. A mentally disturbed Night Fury.

What would you do with your share of the Mega-million jackpot if you'd won?

Oh yeas and:
Something We Asians Got
That does not mean I'm asian.
just wanted to see an interesting reaction.
"If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there are men on base" ~Dave Barry