Just a place to do what the title suggests: vent where no one's looking! I will be writing random stuff on here, and I won't usually sound very angry. Just intrigued. I think.
Let the venting begin!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

I can't think of a good title right now, so.....turkeys!

Ahhhh, Thanksgiving! A time for.....wait, what are we supposed to do on thanksgiving again? give each other presents? no, that's Christmas... watch fireworks? no, that's during the summer....give each other cards? no.....that's valentine's day.....ah! I know!Give thanks to the world! of course! (I knew that all along).Anyway, I'm thankful for: How to Train Your Dragon(of course), my friends, my teachers, my parents, the library, hmmm......what else....oh, Harry Potter/J.K Rowling, the Internet, water, the planet Earth....ummm....chinchillas(cough cough), chemical reactions, and time. That's about it. What are you thankful for today, children?Comment belo--

Waaaaaiiiiiiiit a minute....that sounds waaaay too happy and enthusiastic. the guy up there sounds pretty dumb too: "what are we supposed to do on thanksgiving again?" so here's the real me. The other guy typing up there was just a stand-in, and somehow he's made it so I can't delete waht he's typed. Anyway...

Yes I am actually thankful(gasp) for all of the things listed above (double gasp). I have lots of homework i should be doing right now.We had turkey for lunch. It was good.....ummmmm.....k bye.

Oh yeah, and I'm not kidding about the commenting. What are you thankful for?

Saturday, November 19, 2011

sad face

Before I took that 100 question test this morning at CCS, I didn't really think about how I feel after finishing it. I was hoping for some sort of relief.
But of course, I really just want scream my throat hoarse while banging my head on the wall til blood spurts out my ears. Pretty picture, right? I think it's because I was hoping after this, some of my worries would go away. and they haven't. None of them.  My life is the same as it was before. nothing momentous has happened. And that sucks. :(

Friday, November 18, 2011


You know I saw something interesting today. I got 47 views in May 2011. And they came from google searches. all from America. veeeeeeerrrrry interesting. In a bad way.


stress is an interesting thing. And no, It does not make you perform better. In fact, people have committed suicide because they had too much of it. personally, I think the less it matters to you, the less stress you'll have. Of course, that's all people have sometimes. But why does it matter so much to you that you get championship for your basketball team, the Quiz Bowl, an 100 on your next practice SAT test? Most of it will happen, run its course, and you'll have nothing more than aged a few months faster that you would have liked and get some sleep swindled from you.

Of course, I understand if it will change the entire course of your future, but if this isn't for real, then why worry so much? Why is it that the human beings of the first world must worry some much about things that do not matter so much in the grand scheme of things? we don't have that much of an impact on the universe, you know.