Just a place to do what the title suggests: vent where no one's looking! I will be writing random stuff on here, and I won't usually sound very angry. Just intrigued. I think.
Let the venting begin!

Friday, June 3, 2011

A scientific break-thru

Now I understand why I've disliked playing violin for such a long time:
I associate violin with bad things, such as standing up for thirty minutes straight, or messing up and getting rebuked for it, and not gently. Unlike a bunch of genius instrument players out there, I fell into rhythm with violin a little late, and by that I time couldn't regain my parent's trust anyway. okay, so I do read some times in-between, but recently I've managed to wean myself off of it.

It's like the experiment where the guy got a dog to salivate at the sound of a bell:
every time the dog smelled food, it would begin to salivate. the guy would ring a bell as it was salivating.
he did that for a awhile, then, eventually, the guy took away the food and just rang the bell, and the dog still salivated.

so just like the dog's brain was programmed to salivate when food is near, my brain is programmed to wince when violin practice time is near.

that's my brilliant discovery for today!

Oh yeah, and 126 cranes! Plus, the cast for the Hunger Games movie has been decided. you can Google it.

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