Just a place to do what the title suggests: vent where no one's looking! I will be writing random stuff on here, and I won't usually sound very angry. Just intrigued. I think.
Let the venting begin!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


I think my parents managed to find me out... either by seeing the "most visited" sites, or hacking into my email, and reading the message I sent to you guys. either way, they know it's there, and they assume/know that i'm writng crap about them, so i'm going to have to write only *shudder* nice things about them from now on. or make them assume i stopped posting stuff to begin with.

as for the daily report, things were pretty good today, althugh our butts got kicked in the soccer game,
0-7. Violin recital in a week, EOC in ten days, CCS camping in two....
also went swimming in frezing water, almost finished with owl painting... couple more weeks til school's over... gosh, so many things ending :O!

68 cranes!!  :D

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I am a screwed idiot. my life is an insignificant pebble being thrown relentlessly at the wall of discord. and every time, little bit of me is knocked off, until ,sooner or later, there will be nothing left. school was my haven. School was where all the worry about projects, chinese homework, arguing parents and a grandmother disappeared. but it seem I have even lost that stronghold.
its all because of my stupidity and dim-wittedness that i didn't realize that the project is due on wednesday. I haven't even conceived some of the names yet. i am being swallowed up i stress.
my parents and grandmother are arguing for the most stupid reasons on the planet, and they keep picking on my little brother. this is maddening.

I think I need a therapist.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

not looking

ok, so im not emotioanlly screwed today, but we did lose a soccer game (0-4) which i know Adi would love to hear about so he has something else to annoy me with. apparantly, according to our dad, our defense is weak, and our offense not aggressive enough. and i painted my scince project- big deal. interesting that nothing has happened today. Saturday is the day of interesting happenings for me. ah,well. im sure something will pop up.  :)   ttfn tatatfornow!  :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011


i am pissed (again). i cannot take out my lava on my parents cause that makes things worse. instead i'll vent here, when nobody's looking. ahhh, i feel beter already! :| that's all for my newbie post, but i'll be back for more venting... most likely....(hmmmm) tommorrow!  :D