I'm beginning to wonder (again) what the meaning of life is:
Men from all the ages have died thinking about that questions:
Great philosophers, scientists, religious leaders, psychologists (wait psychologists?! where'd that come from?) and many others have hypothesized
Is the meaning of life:
- to gain peace?
- the gain salvation?
- to reach nirvana?
- to live life at its fullest?
- to become enlightened?
- or to stay out of trouble?
So is survival of the fittest the best motto? I would think so, if you would take look at how dogs are bred: one dog may mate with her grandfather, whose child will mate with his cousin, whose child will mate with his great-aunt...it's down-right creepy.
Of course, the aplication of this idea would mean that your grandparents would probably be dead, and if you are a cripple, or have asthma, or heart disease, you'll probably be dead too. I'm not being biased or anything; it's true. 'Smatter of fact, I might be dead too, for all of my mopeyness and fatness. Not that I'd mind being dead. Which leads me to another question: Do you really have soul? and if you do, what happens to it after your body, the big pile of chemical reactions that serve as its container, has stopped reacting? But than agin, I suppose, the people/souls/ghosts/spirits who actually know aren't really in a condition to tell us, now are they?
So that was all I had to say. I might get an onslaught of crazy people arguing in the comments now, I hope (not)!
Cami Cazi over and out